Big Brother 2020 spoilers from the live feeds seem to indicate that a plane was flown over the BB22 cast, leading to a lot of questions from fans about what might have just happened.
On Wednesday night, something caused the feeds to go down for several hours, and it led to a lot of guesses and assumptions about what might have happened.
This was a very similar situation to when someone was at the wall of the Big Brother lot yelling a message to the All-Stars cast.
The feeds were turned off then, and it appears that this is exactly what happened late Wednesday.
What did the banner on the plane tell the BB22 cast?
Quite a few sources are inferring that the banner said: “Nicole is a liar.” It definitely got people chatting about it in depth.
Now, it’s important to point out that we did not see a plane and that we don’t have official confirmation that one actually flew over the house, but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that seems to back up the claims.
Below are a few videos depicting the moment a plane may have flown over the house as well as two separate chats where a plane and banner were mentioned by people inside the house.
Take a look and come to your own conclusions.
First, here is a video of a quick conversation between Kevin Campbell and Da’Vonne Rogers with the text of what was said before the feeds went out.
Kevin: I could do Cody/Nicole. I'd have to break my word with her.
Day: She'd put you up.
K: You think she would straight up lie?
D: Hell yes!
K: After the banner said she's a liar?
D: Hell ye..?. It said she was a liar?
Kevin: You don't know what the…<cut>
3:32am #bb22 pic.twitter.com/Q89qzsl1sj
— Tooms (@Tooms_BB) September 3, 2020
Below, we have videos breaking down when the banner may have been flown over the house, and at what point on the feeds it may have been obvious to the viewers.
To be clear this is when the "banner" may have been flown over the BB house
FB 6:52 cams 3 &4 9/1
Day/Kevin/Memphis outside couches
Christmas doing laundry
Enzo/David/Tyler doing laundry
Ian/Kaysar inside pic.twitter.com/6jXbZ87KoO
— #BB22LiveFeedUpdates (@BB22LiveFeeds) September 3, 2020
A combination of all the footage is shared in the video below.
1st you see Tyler & David looking up in the sky. You hear joking about a rat, but at the 55 second mark, Tyler is clearly looking up at something with a smirk on his face. FEEDS CUT. When the feeds return for a few sec's, T & D are not in the room pic.twitter.com/i7tB8j7Ida
— ?? ?????? (@BB_Pissed) September 3, 2020
What does all of this mean for Big Brother 22?
If there was a plane flying over the BB22 cast, nothing will be done within the game itself by CBS or the producers of the show. They will let it play out and have likely told the houseguests not to talk about it.
Anytime that a houseguest references game interference, the live feeds shift to stars, and producers likely tell the houseguests not to talk about the production of the show.
So, what happens if they did see a banner that said: “Nicole is a liar”? If they saw it, people are going to try to figure out what she might be lying about. It could make someone like Cody Calafiore very nervous, as he is working with her. So is Ian Terry in a final two partnership.
Nicole has quite a few alliances in the game, so it will be interesting to see which people get the most nervous about her and if it ends up with her getting nominated for eviction in Week 5.
Nicole Franzel has been a hot topic of conversation for a while now on social media, including when she and Cody were trending on social media. Recently, Janelle Pierzina also posted her wedding invitation, saying Nicole was charging her $3,000 to attend.
Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.